A change guide for ZED users for Hawku V2
Thank you to everyone for good constructive feedback on the new site continue on Discord and Twitter! We know change can be really frustrating and wanted to spend a little time giving both context for the change as well as provide a quick guide for new behaviors/places where features have moved.
First the why: The biggest reason we have changed to V2 is to get ZED onto our new marketplace platform. The new platform has a lot more functionality than the original V1 of the site, allows our team to iterate much more quickly and add more features at a much, much faster pace than we were able to previously. Many tasks like supporting 6 horse races or other types of new ZED data or adding new graphs & filters - which would take us days of development can now be done in minutes. It also means we can build for all games on the same platform.
However, getting ZED into the new platform required us to make some UI/UX changes from the old legacy platform which may cause some initial frustration as people adjust.
We wanted to go through a few of these and include workarounds/changes for each.
1 – Race Data - Fire % per funnel in races has been replaced by the inclusion of distance preference tags (marathoner/sprinter) as well as win rate and paid win rate. We are unable to support fire % per funnel in the new platform but you should be able to glean much better information about competition from this information. (For one thing, you no longer have to deal with the horses that had 100% fire but only 2 races in that distance.)

2 – Birth Date line has been replaced by a much more comprehensive Breeding Stats section that shows a lot more data including exactly when your horse resets and how close your horse is to decayed breeding. You can still find the birth date for a horse under Other Data. We found this was a much better use of space and provided a lot more information.

3 - Paid race toggle was moved inside filter as we found most people used in conjunction with dates. For those who wanted an overview, we also added a 12 horse paid stats section that is one click away. (as well as 6 horse paid stats section).

4 - Fire % text on distance Drilldown had to be removed unfortunately but we replaced it with a fire by distance graph and added fire and win rate by class graphs. We did like Fire % text but it was a small feature that had to be sacrificed.

5 - Quickview : While we did like the pulldown quickview, it did not work for collections in grid mode (like Zed Skins) so found the best solution we could that could work when displaying in list or grid mode. For maintenance and support purposes we standardized on one quickview type. The old quickview also sporadically did not work in V1. You can now open the quickview by clicking the four arrows on any time. The new quickview also contains more data than previously.

5 - Opening to new pages - The old V1 of ZED always opened to a new tab. We turned this off by default in V2 as due to the interactive nature of our website, each new tab would require extra resources from our server while the tab was open. It also can make for a poor mobile experience. The good news is you can still open to new tabs by control or command-clicking a link. It takes about 30 seconds to learn and adapt to and you won't notice the difference after 24 hours. On mobile you can hold the link to open in a new tab.
6 - Stable Access - There are now two ways to access your stables.
a) click on the My items on the left side. This will show you all your collections across games and let you dig down to horses, skins or other games.
b) within the listings section of any collection click the "owned" tab. This will quickly show which tags you owned.

7 – Colors - Yes, for ZED we stopped prominently displaying color as we found the vast majority of people did not care so much about color. Instead, we replaced the listings section with more breeding data which people felt was more important. You can still access color information under Other Data, and filter on it as well.

8 - Feeding went away. We are sad and very worried for the horses. There is no excuse for this.
Please keep in mind the new site has been live for 48 hours. We are constantly adding/improving it and we do really appreciate the feedback.
Finally - We ask you please have patience! There is a lot different on this site. We expect many people will go through the series of emotions like the image below as they adjust. Thanks again for your patience and please tell us where you are on the chart! (and yes, we made this chart 2 weeks before release :)).